How to Request Assistance

Request for assistance must be in the form of a letter that includes the location and problem to be investigated, submitted by a state, local government agency, or Federally recognized Native American Indian tribes to the specific district’s point of contact, which can be found below. A nonprofit organization must provide a letter from the affected local government consenting to the provision of Section 22(a) assistance to the nonprofit entity working with the State. 

FPMS Fact Sheet
Sample Request Letter

Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) – “All Things Flood”

The Floodplain Management Services (FPMS) program is authorized by Section 206 of the 1960 Flood Control Act, as amended, and provides information on flood hazards to guide floodplain development by advising, recommending, educating, informing, and providing technical support. FPMS efforts might include a variety of data development, public outreach, planning guidance, information dissemination in the form of guides, pamphlets, or supporting studies, or national flood insurance program support (on a reimbursable basis). The purposes are to foster public understanding of the options available to address flood hazards and promote prudent use and management of the Nation’s floodplains. The FPMS program addresses the needs of people who live in floodplains by helping them understand flood hazards and actions they can take to reduce property damage and prevent the loss of life.

Technical services and planning guidance under the FPMS program are provided to state, regional, and local governments without charge, within program funding limits, and generally last 12-24 months. FPMS services are conducted completely at the federal expense, however, FPMS services for federal agencies and private persons are on a cost-recovery or fee basis.

Study Cost

FPMS assistance is 100% federally funded for state, regional, or local government, or Native American Indian Tribes.

Other Federal agencies and private parties must pay 100% of the costs of all FPMS efforts.

Final Design/Construction Cost

The program does not give USACE the authority to complete detailed final designs or construction activities.

Types of Deliverables

  • Flood Modeling and Preparedness
  • Flood Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
  • Flood Proofing
  • Inundation of Flood Plain Mapping
  • Hurricane Preparedness and Evacuation 
  • Evacuation of Structural and Nonstructural Alternatives
  • Storm Water Management
  • Emergency Action Plain/Floodplain Management Plan Assistance 
  • Dam Failure Analysis
  • Inventory of Flood Prone Structure
  • Nonstructural Flood Risk Management Workshops
  • Risk Communication and Public Education
  • Natural and Nature-Based Solutions
  • Assessment Tools and Processes

FPMS Study Highlights

Hampton, FL FPMS Study

Greenville, FL FPMS Study

Camden County, Georgia FPMS Study