  • September

    First Blue Roof Being Installed in the Virgin Islands

    The first residential temporary roof made of blue plastic sheeting was installed today on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The program, available to qualified homeowners and known as Operation Blue Roof, can make some damaged structures habitable again until more permanent repairs can be made.
  • Match, Move, and Maneuver

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Logistics Planning and Response Team (LPRT) has a crew of ten logisticians from all over the United States. The team based here is working with FEMA and the ESTES freight transportation provider to match, move and maneuver empty trailers.
  • South Atlantic Division's Commander Visits FEMA in Preparation for Hurricane Irma

    ATLANTA, GA- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southern Atlantic Division’s Commander(USACE SAD) Brigadier General Diana Holland, on September 7 visited FEMA’s Region 4 Response Coordination Center (RRCC) in Atlanta, GA where Joint agencies track the storm as well as plan for Hurricane Irma’s impact on the region.