News Releases

Category: US Virgin Islands Response
  • US Army Corps of Engineers Finishes USVI Temporary Power Mission

    The U.S. Virgin Islands has reached a quiet milestone in hurricane recovery. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has finished its mission to provide temporary power for critical facilities following hurricanes Irma and Maria.
  • Prepositioning of debris removal experts accelerates Hurricane Irma recovery operations

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers preemptively mobilized Mobile District Emergency Management Chief Hubert “Bo” Ansley to the U.S. Virgin Islands, and civil engineer Herb Bullock to Puerto Rico, Sept. 4, to accelerate Hurricane Irma recovery operations. At the time, Hurricane Irma was still two days away, but the Corps of Engineers made it a priority to get someone on the ground to begin initial damage assessments, immediately following the storm.