News Releases

USACE awards two new contracts for Operation Blue Roof

Published Nov. 23, 2017

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in coordination with the Mobile District, awarded a $93-million shared capacity contract to Power & Instrumentation Services Inc. and Ceres Caribe Inc., Nov. 21, 2017, for additional support for temporary roofing mission more commonly known as “Operation Blue Roof.”  

Operation Blue Roof is a priority mission managed by USACE for FEMA and provides homeowners impacted by a disaster with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until arrangements can be made for permanent repairs. 

“The awarding of these two contracts will bring our capability up to around 1,000 roofs a day, meaning more homes will be protected in less time,” said Col. James DeLapp, USACE Puerto Rico Recovery Field Office commander. “At full production, each new contractor will be able to handle 300 roofs per day.” 

As of Nov. 21, more than 11,000 roofs have been installed across the island. USACE officials estimate up to 60,000 roofs could be installed. The program is currently averaging 400 roofs per day. The temporary roofs are being installed primarily by local hires. The current contractor, Ceres Environmental, is averaging close to 90 percent local hires of the roughly 1,300 people they have working in the program.

 Operation Blue Roof is for primary residences or permanently occupied rental properties with less than 50 percent structural damage. Vacation rental properties are not eligible for the program. Once the blue roof is installed, the structure must be habitable. Not all roof types qualify for the program. Roofs that are flat or made of clay, slate or asbestos tile do not qualify. Also, all storm debris must be removed for the roof to qualify. 

USACE Blue Roof teams are working directly with municipalities throughout Puerto Rico to install temporary roofs on qualifying homes. Residents should coordinate with their municipal leaders to obtain information on where to complete the required Right of Entry form. The ROE forms are necessary to conduct home evaluations and install plastic sheets. 

To find out if you are eligible for a blue roof contact your municipality, or call 1-888-ROOF-BLU (1-888-766-3258). The deadline to apply is Dec. 4, 2017.

Lisa Lockyear

Release no. 17-121